Wednesday 14 July 2010

Sunset :)

We're lucky enough to live on the side, near the top, of one of the Seven Hills of Sheffield. I can see right over the valley, over the tops of the houses towards the fields and woods towards Worral, some miles away. Though Sheffield tends to have a fairly moderate climate, we can get some quite spectacular sunrises and sunsets.

This is a sunset from the 7th, a week ago. I tipped the camera, a little Panasonic TZ7, up a little bit to avoid the few rooftops atop the hillside opposite. I love my sunsets.

I hold my hands up here to say I cheated a little bit. The camera has a 'Sunset Mode' which exaggerates the colours a teeny-weeny bit. Still, I like it :)


Rarelesserspotted said...

Good picture - I have the TZ65, best camera I've ever had apart from my Canon 40D whichis a stunner, but of course not as compact or as convenient as the Panasonic.

By the way, I'm in East Yorkshire, the better third of the ridings

Wheelie said...

Heh :) The posh side!

It was a bit tongue in cheek. It's awhile since I was 'up your end' but I remember it as gods country.

Sheffield as you know, is land locked, 'cept for the odd canal or two. Oh, alright then. A couple of rivers....

Your rich heritage, history and tidal plains are well understated.