Tuesday 7 September 2010

Orange & Lemons

Forgive me If I've already mentioned this, but the reason I use large text when posting is that many Stroke survivors have vision problems.


I've just declined an invite to give an 'inspirational' talk at a city school.

It was very flattering to receive an email, which I ignored, followed by a letter to my home. The fee they offered was extraordinarily large.

It seems that the new deputy head was a former pupil who "
remembered" me from many, many years ago "with great fondness", and "that I was an inspiration to him in the years after he left sixth form, and went on to University."

Nice. One problem. I wasn't a former pupil, which to be fair, he didn't mention. But I do remember him.

In those days I was a long haired hippy, with waist length multicoloured beaded hair, permanently glued into a full length 'Afghan', coat, as in dog. Remember those? I'm not surprised he remembers me. I smelled permanently of a combination of Brut aftershave and a weird musky body oil from a Biker Shop, with a multicoloured waistcoat, two-tone trousers, odd socks and Brough shoes. I still do the waistcoats :)

I was one of those kids lucky enough to pass some old-style exams early, while simultaneously attending university part time from the age of 12.

Fast forward to the age of 20, and I was intrigued by an article describing an invention by a 14 year old at that school described as revolutionary. It had been granted a patent, and as they were having an open day, it was being showcased and always looking for an investment opportunity, I thought I'd nip along.

To cut a long story short, there was a massive amount of visitors, and I was roped in to head a 'viewing panel' (Dragons Den, anyone?). Considering MY history, I knew a pretentious, annoying, jumped up little prat when I saw one, who'd re-invented the wheel, and I said so.

More, I found myself in a huddle with a group of sixth formers (16/17 year olds), to whom I explained in minute detail that the world of work was a lot different to that they lead you beleive in education, and because you're qualified, it doesn't guarantee you a job - you have to compete for work like anyone else. I was firmly, forcibly, and forthwith, much to my amusement, ejected from the school by the Careers Master.

That annoying 14 year old is now the Deputy Headmaster.

I believe I've been gracious in turning him down, and I'm sorta pleased he's remembered me as an inspiration. I'm very pleased he's done so well - his income is a deal more than mine ~smile~ .

I did a little research, and I've discovered that his school is about to be merged with another, and he's likely to lose his job .

I hope he knows.

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