Friday 12 November 2010


There's a rum do.

After a bit of digging around, I've discovered that someone had indeed phoned my surgery and made me an appointment. It seems it was a woman, which they wouldn't have thought was unusual.

Carers tend to be ladies, and it's quite common for a carer to make appointments or collect prescriptions for their partner/clients. Likewise, if a patient employs a different carer, the surgery is often the last to be told.

If it'd been a fella, they would have been more suspicious - mainly, it seems, because I have a distinctive voice - compared to the thousands of other patients on their list. Apparently :) In that case they would have phoned me to confirm.

There's no chance of mistaken identity - I have a pretty unique name for a born and bred Yorkshireman.

The question that remains is - why? For what purpose? What's the gain for the caller? It hardly inconveniences Bear and I. We had a joint appointment some hours earlier, and only we knew of it, well, other than the surgery that is. It isn't that they'd know where I'd be at a time of their choosing, as I'd have know about the appointment they'd made. Which we didn't.

The only thing I can think of is that, unaware we already had an appointment, whoever she is thought we'd get into some kind of bother with the doctor's. Highly unlikely. The question remains, where's the gain?

Questions, questions. I'm puzzled. I'm open to any suggestions/speculations of a motive.

Many thanks.

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