Wednesday 22 December 2010

Welcome to my world...

Won't you come on in.. :)

Mad, mad time. Even though technically it's just Bear, Tots and I, we get a steady stream of visitors, and I can't leave them empty handed or unfed.

Besides, it's a compliment, and though it's darn hard work, it's nice to get visitors, nice to see the fruits of your labours appreciated. In our house, Christmas lasts to just after new year.

But one has to be sensible. So simple and inexpensive ingredients are the order of the day, and maybe a little something special to take home. Just a little, not a lot.

Samosas go down well with visitors. It's a simple pastry case, forget the purists, of your favourite pastry rolled thin cut into half rounds, folded into triangles and filled with a spoonful of whatever veg you have available sautéd with a little oil and butter and a pinch of whatever spices you might have available in the cupboard.

To take home? Well, I'm an inveterate pickler. A 250 ml jar of home made chutney, piccalilli, chilli sauce, jelly, fruit jam or marmalade goes down well.

After the 25th? Anything they like, as long as it has turkey in it. That includes fruits, spices - and I love Moroccan stuff. :)

Why? because all those Christmas spices originate from the East, Africa.

And the Christmas story originates from the East. Those spices are a reminder.

In case I forget, have a good one.

1 comment:

Rarelesserspotted said...

All my very best wishes