Friday 6 May 2011


Long, tiring day.

Needs must I guess. Had to do the 'out' thing to get some money to help a relative out of a very complicated situation. As I often rattle on about, I don't do banks. There are much cheaper alternatives.

Oddly, I thought the only price was time, according to the blurb. Not so with credit unions if you are frequent saver, even if you don't do loans. Which surprised me. I thought they were targeted at small loans. Apparently they have a concept of 'altruistic saver'. Those that save but don't withdraw much.

That's me then. Stick it in when I have a bit, but doesn't do loans.


Bear and I thought I could I could get to town with some anonymity. Nah. How about "Chuffin' eck, am I trippen'? What kinda mushrooms are in this bacon butty? 'Wheelie has left the buildin'!"

Or. A slap on the shoulder on the bus, a grin, and "Sweet!". I tried to be annoyed. But no.

T'ween you and me, I don't remember most of their names. I'm sorry guys if you read this :(

I've had no idea I am so loved and so much in focus by these young guys in their twenties. Nice to know someone looks out for you. Cool. I've no idea what I've done to deserve it.

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