Monday 1 August 2011

I read a few news sites.

Tell you what tho'. Reading readers comments? I'd rather poke my eyes out with a pointy stick.

Why is it that people, even commenting on fairly sensible newspapers such as The Times or umm, I dunno, Telegraph, find the reporting is fine, but get into stupid anal discussions about about the presence, or lack of an apostrophe? Why do people feel the urge to be bitchy, catty, and just plain nasty?

Truth is, it's a downside of freedom. Freedom allows you to say what you want. Do what you want. But hidden behind the apparent anonymity of a screen, keyboard and router, some will say stuff that would get their nose punched, or socially excluded if they said it to your face.

That's not an exercise of freedom. It's an abuse of privilege, a provocation to abuse, and I wish more moderators got their heads together and realised that.

To me, it's simple. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. And give the 'trolls' their own separate internet, and find a field where they can meet together on a regular basis with pointy objects.



Rarelesserspotted said...

This is a story close to my heart. I believe that the mindless ramblings of maniacs and nutters on local newspapers comments sites wholly detract from the occasional sensible individual who has a good point to make. I rang the local papers managing director about three years ago who I know and complained bitterly that it showed up the town for what it was, full of looneys. It also brought his paper into the gutter. He agreed that it had not been moderated properly and for a while, it improved, but now it's back to its old ways. Some of it is frankly libellous. I also agree that with freedom of expression comes responsibility, but then, like one of those anonymously protected looneys might say, 'they don't give a sh*t.'

Elizabeth said...

Oh, Drew, I so, so agree. I had a commentor on my blog who would make constant remarks about spelling mistakes, apostrophes, etc. It really dragged down my confidence and I gave up blogging for a while. I spent many hours in tears because I was trying to make my very fragile re-entry into the world and just couldn't get beyond these stupid comments. I e-mailed him politely to ask him not to do it, but he just couldn't get what the problem was. Thankfully, the person concerned got fed up with my 'substandard' posts and moved on eventually, but not until after much heartache.