Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Re:- Nicked again.

Sigh. Video shown as an example now withdrawn 'cos I'm about to enter a legal tiff. Legal stuff  is a real pain in the proverbial. It's a good job I have a few legal eagles in my circle of friends who quote :-

"Get rid of that thing Wheelie! You should know better! Sh*t, man, bloomin' well ask before you sulk"

I'm sure you guys only do this to get a three month supply of Chocolate Hob Nobs out of me? And what's with the Polo Mints? I'm open to negotiation about ditching the mints and supplying the holes.

Je pensais que vous étiez favorable à messieurs rendus? Avez-vous une idée de combien le coût hobnobs? Vous payez pour mon prochain voyage à Paris ....

So there :)

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