Friday 7 December 2012

Daft Dog

What a roller coaster of a couple of days.

First, my nieces fella took his beloved Husky/Alsatian cross to visit a mate in a strange area, took her for a walk there and she 'spooked' and ran off.  They've been together for years, and they're inseparable.  Despite her wolf like appearance, she's an old girl and very timid.

After hours of searching she couldn't be found, so in tears and dispirited they came back across the city to see us where they made a lot of phone calls, and again the following morning after a night of minus 3 C temperatures.

A few hours later there was lots of joy when a kennels phoned to say a couple of their worried staff took it upon themselves to call her around a park a mile and a half from where she ran off, and she came running to them. They theorise she ran until she could run no more, smelled water in a pond in the park, and headed there. She'd been there all night.

She has sore paws, very subdued and has spent the last 12 hours fitfully sleeping, but she's otherwise ok.

By the way, they charged £40 to release her. That might sound a bit steep for a few hours, but they gave her a full medical, fed her and 'chipped' her. In contrast, Council dog wardens charge £100 per day, any extras chargeable.


Managed to have another 'hello floor' moment. Visiting a local shop with Bear, some inconsiderate had parked their car across the steps across a steep grass verge. Naturally, if had been raining, so when I walked  - I swear, carefully - down the verge, slipped sideways, hitting the floor side on and pulling Bear on top of me.

Just a humdinger of a bruise on my arm and my leg, the one on my leg being from my wallet in my pocket. Go figure. Bear says I should have 'uffin chuffin' landed on something soft. Like me 'ead. Bear's ok. She landed on something soft. Me.

Golly, she sounds like her Dad sometimes......


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