Friday, 22 March 2013


The Wheelie family have all been hit one by one by a rather unpleasant influenza/ tummy bug. It didn't stop me getting up at 05:30 to begin my daily routine. I hate my built in alarm clock sometimes. Mind you, grumble I may, but I'm glad I did. My girls managed to surface at 10 am.

Winter wonderland outside. It's snowed steadily through the night, and it's forecast to continue for at least another 30 hours. According to my little wireless weather station it's -1 °C outside, which is 3° C cooler than my fridge! Using the 'stick-a-finger-in-it method', looks like we have about an inch and a bit of snow and climbing.

Bear decided I was being unkind to Sigma the Dog - I had the giggles watching him walk around the garden in  the snow. Front right leg up. Wait, leg down. Left rear leg up. Wait, leg down, Front left leg up, Wait, leg down....... repeat. I've not seen anything so silly looking in ages.

So she's decided to go and pick some bits and pieces up from the local shop and infect everyone there. A grumpy Snow Bear. "Oh, that bloody man!" she muttered under her breath. I concur. Big Smile.


I found this interesting. First I should say I can walk, just not very far, and not without support. We are on benefits because Bear has to be there for me at least 35 hours a week. I can and do little bits and bobs, but I have to declare it beyond a certain amount. That's how it should be.

Bear gets a Carers Allowance which, if she was employed, would be just over £98 per week. But because of the means tested benefits we are on, it's reduced to £32 a week, for which she has to be with me for 35 hours a week, day and night. Those maths aren't good, are they? Would you accept employment at under a quid an hour?

I can't use Job Centre services. Sure, I could go in there with a notepad and do it that way. But I'm not allowed to see an advisor, even the Disability Advisor because of the DLA rate I'm on, because I can't go there unsupported, despite that my DLA is not means tested.

It's not just benefits either. Did you know that if you have a job, and want to change jobs, you can't use Job Centre Advisor's either?


1 comment:

Blog talk said...

Dear Wheelie,

My apologies for making contact via your comments box; I couldn’t find an email address for you.

I am a Speech and Language Therapist doing a Masters project at City University London. I am contacting you because we wish to analyse your blog in our theses. The name of the project is Blog talk: the impact of aphasia on people’s lives.

Please have a look at the information on this link:

Please contact us to let us know if you want to take part, or don’t want to, on

Many thanks,

Victoria Bedford