Sunday 30 November 2008

May contain Nuts....

Oooh! I'm into the blog - however briefly. I had to jump through hoops to get here (following an idea by My Bear, to give credit where credit's due). It'll probably be temporary. Sigh :(

Had a friend visit the other day. Who promptly told me how I make tea is wrong, in great detail, and how "crap" my teapot is. In great detail. And my tea was "crap" anyways. Now there's one thing you don't tell an Englishman , it's how to make tea, and a Yorkshireman to boot. Being a Yorkshireman, he was bloomin' lucky that I didn't charge him for his cuppa.

Or charge him admission to Wheelie's.

Instead, I ran over his foot. Slowly. Twelve and a half stone of a Wheelie poised on his pinkies shut him up nicely. I must remember that technique. I wonder if it works on door to door salesmen, or annoying little old ladies who insist on carrying yorkshire terriers in scotch pattern bags-on-wheels?

Or worse, people who say "Does he take sugar?" (no, sweeteners, top pocket, one please..)

To be fair to the chap, he had made me feel much better about myself. While I listened to him, wide eyed, I was thinking of the number of times that I've been called 'slightly potty', or even better, 'eccentric' (bless 'em).

I don't mind being called 'eccentric'. In fact it's a badge of honour. Took me awhile to get there.

The wet-ware between my ears has undergone some extensive rewiring over the last few years, and is a source of amazement and endless amusement to even little 'ol me. I've earned it, I've worked for it, and by golly, it's the only one I've got, even if it does try to kill me now and again.

I count myself lucky. In the battle between brain and bod I've won so far, and I'm well proud of it, even if the little bugger tries to embarrass me occasionally. I'm
Waaaaaayy past embarrassment.

Having the brain of a stroke survivor has left me with a mind like a mischevious puppy. And like a puppy, you have to let it do puppy things now and again, like chase it's tail, dig up the yard, or bark at nothing in particular, otherwise it's likely to chew up the nearest slipper or furniture. Or worse, bonking the hoover. Not the sort of thing you want your brain doing unexpectedly.

Hence I became cheerfully eccentric. I like that :)

At least I don't go on a rant about other peoples Teapots.

Catchya laters!


Anonymous said...

I'm eccentric too Wheelie and I love being that way! However, I would have "whacked him with my cane", since I am not Wheelchair Bound. I'm sure your tea is fine, my tea is "crap". But that is because I am not an Englishman, in fact, I'm not a MAN at all (even though I do have that TOMBOY still inside of myself at 55). BTW in your last comment on my Blog you said we should exchange e-mail addys. Mine is (I have it as a banner at the top of my Blog). What's yours?
Your eccentric American Female Friend!

Anonymous said...

Cheers lori luv, I'll mail you :)

Don't worry if you get it from different addy's, I have a few accounts from different addresses.

Actually, Like most people I know who are wheelies, I can walk (well, wobble!) It's just a case of how far and for and for how long :) But as my kids would tell you, its soooo comfy, so it doubles as my computer chair.

I do have walking stick, but I to take the weight off my right side..... hang on, you've given me an idea for a blog!

Hoping I can blog, Wheelie.