Wednesday 29 April 2009


Got an hour to myself while Bear takes Tots off for 'Parents Evening'.

Dunno why we still call her Tots - she's actually a young teenager - her aunt called her Totty Wormcake when she was naught but a tiddler, and, but for a brief rebellion when she reached ten, when she spent a couple of weeks refusing to answer to the label, the name stuck. Even her local mates call her 'Totty' now :)

By the way, I'm not here, honest. I'm the other end of the room with my feet up - as ordered.

They forgot about the Lappy. Ha!

Seriously tho', I've had a rough few days, but I've no-one to blame but myself. I have enough trouble standing at the best of times, and walk with a wobble. So what did I do? Had a few beers, that's what. Pure pig-headed rebellion. I drank, relaxed, forgot to concentrate - which is second nature to me normally - and awoke the following morning covered in quite alarming bruises. In places I didn't think were possible.

Apparently, some idiot moved the floor closer, narrowed the door ways and hallway, and moved my safety rails and inch or two to the left. Needless to say, I ache. Good news. I don't get hangovers. Never had one. Bad news. I really wish I did...... then I'd have an excuse to sulk.

So...I'm under orders - feet up, shut up, rest, no net. So y'see, I'm not here. Any minute now, one of those neighbours is going to knock and walk in with a "No, no, Bear didn't ask me to check, just wondered....."

Yeah, right :) Forgive me if you read this and I owe you an email - there may be a slight delay.

Gotta go - I'm getting a nervous twitch...

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