Tuesday 11 August 2009


I know I touch on some peoples negative attitude to disability sometimes, and thankfully, it is infrequent.

But it does have it's lighter moments.

I patiently listened as a chap talked over my head. I'm used to that. I do, after all, spend some time in a wheelchair.

He was on a roll, and was obviously used to being in charge and having an audience. Waxing lyrical, he went on and on - to someone else, - about 'winging insecurities', and how I could do more for myself, how much was 'in the mind', and how he'd said something similar to some unemployed people he knew.

Hmmm. So, someone trying to find employment and people with disabilities need to get the right attitude, eh?

After five minutes of this tripe, I stood up, arms crossed, looked him in the eye, and said quietly,

"S'cuse me?".

Now, I'm not that tall by modern standards. A touch under 6 ft. At just over 11 stone at the moment, neither could I be accused of being an imposing figure.

The reaction was immediate. His jaw dropped. He went quite, quite, white. Then a funny pink colour. Then white again. Staring wide eyed at me like a rabbit caught in headlights, he did a very good impersonation of a fish.

I don't think I've seen anyone leave so fast.

Ye, gods. I felt so good for the rest of the day, you would not believe it! I'm going to be grinning to myself for days........

Terrible, aren't I :)

1 comment:

Jo said...

lol :-)
Josie x