Friday 23 July 2010

Herbs and Spices.

But not for cooking.

I daily have to take a concoction of modern pharmaceuticals. A necessary evil.

But one day, looking around a Chemist, (pharmacy) while 'Er 'Indoors was paying for a tummy-ache medicine for one of the (then) little 'uns, I thought, hey. I can do that. Free.

Now, 'free' to a Yorkshireman, is a very, very interesting word. Which does not include Tesco Points by the way.

And so, someone who would almost certainly have been burnt at the stake a few hundred years ago, was born.

A discovery of herbs and spices, pickles and poultices, sauces and salves. But not, absolutely not, anything that means diluting anything to the nth degree. That to me is a faith issue, and I don't argue with people of faith. Faith is the hope of that yet unseen. To quote Paul of Tarsus.

For everyday cut's and bruises, headaches, tummy aches, there are lots of common garden herbs, plants, supermarket spices and chemicals, if used correctly, solve everyday ups and downs. That is where many modern pay over the counter medicines originate. For instance, fizzy tummy ache medicine tablets? Citric acid, Tataric Acid, sugar and bicarbonate of soda. The ingredient that does the job is actually the Bicarb. If you bake, you have it. But on it's own, it's tastes rubbish. The other ingredients just make it look spectacular.

I tuck Rosemary and Lavender sprigs in my 13 year old's pillow when she can't sleep. I don't know all the chemicals (and compounds) involved, but I suspect the smell goes a long way to help.
I have many more I'd like to share, a little at a time. If you have any concoctions or recipes you'd like to share too, feel free. I'm not interested in making money from it - heck, if I did, I wouldn't post about it. I'm more interested in sharing experiences. Besides, I checked. The market's flooded with rubbish :)

If you have some remedy that granny swore by, that works for you, please feel free to share.

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