Saturday, 2 April 2011

You fill up my fences..

Did a deal with The Bear, who's being nagging me to fit a new front gate.

For some odd reason, my curvy front fences and gates seem to have become a bit of a standard in my neck of the woods. So my template is doing it's rounds just as some wally decided to kick the heck out of mine. Probably the local joiner. He charges £50 a pop for a gate, and £75 per panel for a fence. Minimum.....

So I said to Bear. Ok. You take the old one off, I'll build a new one. I've watched in amazement at a combination of a thundering hammer and a screwdriver. After half an hour, the neighbour across the road had enough, and after thirty seconds of furious activity, shazzam. Done.

Darn him. I was trying to put off building a new gate until tomorrow. Sigh. I hate it when a plan doesn't come together. Aha! Bribery. I have some steak in the freezer. Oh, Beeeaaar! ;)

Surprising how it costs up. Seven planks at 47" long, 1" between them, plus the 'Z' bar to hold it all together. Then it needs shaping, and I can't resist a bit of simple artwork. Clover or heart maybe (three holes) roughly about 329 inch plus wastage, at about £5 (min) per meter = at least £40. Plus screws and preservative and paint for the recycled hinges. Adds up doesn't it?

My teen was invited to Alton Towers by her big bro. Sure, I said. Sounds nice. But she wouldn't go without her cousin from Jump, Barnsley. Their skint. £40 per person? Chuffin' eck. Looks like beans on toast for a week :(

But it will at least be home made baked beans :)

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