Thursday 15 September 2011


Sorry, but something has gone a bit doo-lally with blogspot at the time of writing - I'm actually using Firefox and Chrome on two screens (I wouldn't use internet explorer unless you paid me :) )

Friends Connect doesn't seem to be working and Elizabeth's page seems to be down? Can't find her blog?

Andy Hill from Talk Stroke has started a Blog at More the merrier.

Even if you aren't a stroke survivor, There's no reason why you couldn't read and reply on Talk Stroke. I could ask you to help raise funds for The Stroke Association UK, and there's a lot you could do -for instance, sell SA UK Cristmas cards, or their raffle.

But important as it is to raise funds, and the vast range of charities that ask for help - and heck knows there are so many worthy causes that are scrabbling for a slice of an ever decreasing cake. People can't afford to donate directly y'see.

However, it's much more important that there is unbiased opinion, practical, useful and imaginative advice.

More, there's the the forgotten few. The Carer's who are ordinary people who are thrust unexpectedly into becoming extraordinary people, poorly supported, untrained, unnoticed and challenged.

We've all had different and extensive life experiences we can share?

Please sign up to Talk Stroke and be a friend.

Be back later. Lots of Love, Dray xx

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