Wednesday 19 October 2011


Shock horror. I've left my main PC alone for a couple of days. Partly because, to be frank, I get sick of it.

It's not the PC. It is, to be frank, because I don't get out much, a 'lifeline'.  But a lot of locals are much, much more disadvantaged that we, so they need access to the all pervasive internet. Sure, they have have phones, mobiles, and in some cases, internet themselves.

But being on low incomes, credit card debts (spit!), benefit paid into banks, bank charges, fuel debts - Geez, some of these people are on £46 per week.

To be fair, I'm quite well aware that there are always going to be those who encompass the resources available to them into their estimation of that they feel they need, to maintain the lifestyle to which they would like to be come accustomed.

( How polite is that! :)  )

But there are families with kids and people with disabilities who need access to the internet, because to resolve their difficulties it's much quicker and cheaper than an expensive phone call. 

Because they're struggling, their own phone availability may well be inconsistent, and likewise their internet access, should they have it. Phone Box? What's that?

Anyways. Our local-ish Advice Centre is down to one day a week because of government cuts. The volunteers are willing, but paying for other resources such as fuel, lighting and phone bills has made it Mission Impossible. 

Same here. I love helping out, but sometimes it just gets too much.

My apologies if anyone is inconvenienced.

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