Sunday 22 January 2012

Often wondered why people bother God on His day of rest. Which day that is depends on your religion of course. I empathise.

On Sundays the phone never stops, at least one of the kids who've left home visits, and my teenage girl 'don't call me Tots' invariably has a girlfriend across - and invariably their depressed.

Mind you, this weekends one's mum has OCD, so, fair enough I guess.


The Wheelie has had a couple of what Bear says are fits.

I remember bits of the first one. Have you ever been in an earthquake? or stood close to the edge of a train platform when a high speed train goes past? That deep vibration that you can feel in your bones. I was more worried that I couldn't breath. Bit essential that.

The second I know nothing about.

However, it's not illness. Nor is it unexpected. A stroke is brain damage - there's no nice way of putting it. Somewhere along the line if the ol' brain gets scrambled, then there's a risk of epilepsy, because epilepsy is a random electrical storm.

More chuffin' Doctors appointments and tablets I guess. Sigh :(

Feet up, answer some emails, and contemplate my options I guess.

By the way, it appears Google Blogger doesn't work correctly using Google Chrome. Interesting.


Rarelesserspotted said...

You take care that man!

Wheelie said...

Oh, don't you start too (chuckle!)