Friday 1 June 2012

Top Tip

I don't know about the recycling in your corner of the UK, but the private firm here have this quirky little rule about not really allowing the plastic tops on soda, milk bottle tops et al. The reasoning being that it's a different type of plastic, so you have to remove them, and throw the tops into normal waste. Daft.

Now that's a real pain, because as anyone who recycles knows, you can get more into the plastic recycle bin by crushing the plastic bottle to force the air out of it, and screwing the lid back on. Needless to say, most people ignored it.

With a twinge of conscience, right? Much to my Bears relief, who strongly objects to being thrown head first into the plastics bin to crush it down a bit, a few weeks ago, Sheffield Diabetes Group did a deal where clean plastic Milk container tops, collected could raise funds.

This has now been extended to any CLEAN plastic jar top - for instance, plastic coffee jar tops, nutella, spring water, 'pop' bottle tops ect.

For more information, contact Sheffield Diabetes Group

I mean, ok. You still won't be able to get someone to crush your bottles for you, but you can now cheerfully now chuck YOUR Bear into the recycle bin to crush your plastics with a clear conscience.

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