Wednesday 25 July 2012

Pushin' it.

Oh, my. Been misquoted three times in two days, all about the same thing. I was told I had written 'somewhere' "Must spend more time with the wife and kids". Nope. Never did.

I have been out more lately than I have done in years, and that's true. But just to a local shop and supermarket, and always with The Bear. I simply can't do it physically alone, I need someone to lean on. I have some lovely neighbours who've offered, some of them with cars, but that would defeat the object.

The idea is to push it as far as I can, and know when to pull back when it gets too much. Rest awhile, and try again. Anyone who's ever been a weight trainer or runner will know what I mean. 

I think being a Stroke survivor is all about effort, optimism and determination. It's Nasty, no two ways about it. There's nothing wrong with the affected bod parts usually, though it might feel like it. It's the control centre (brain) that's suffered damage. 

I've come across people who think that exercise (usually using some branded commercial equipment)  and some kind of evangelical faith is a solution. Rubbish. Yes, it can help, with some people, because some of the brains pathways are reformed and re-routed, but a perfect cure? No. There isn't one yet.

But it's important to note that Stroke affects different people in different ways, and that everyone is individual and there is no generalisation. 

But it's nice to find your limits. And maybe push a little :) If you can.

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