Saturday 22 June 2013

Bubblewrap Diet

Really going to have to update that profile pic. Lost a lot of weight since then, as after Christmas finishes I always go back to Ye Olde Goatee.

Day 22 of my Very Odd diet. I started out at 90.3 kg, and I'm now at 86.1 kg and dropping. It's a bit of a mystery why I put weight on in the first place, as I only eat a small meal a day as I don't get hungry. I lost the hungry gene years ago with my first stroke. So I don't nibble either.

The current theory at the docs is it's a side effect of the interactions between the 23 tablets a day I take. Apparently the interactions between so many tablet of various combinations is impossible to calculate.

Why a Very Odd diet? Because I made no change to either my food, exercise or tablets. I just decided to lose weight and I did. Very odd. But it works. Perhaps I should write a book entitled "The State of Mind Diet".

I've decided to resurrect my favorite time waster.Turn that sound up. Go on. You know you want to :-)


albina N muro said...
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albina N muro said...

The obesity epidemic can't be successfully fought through debates about the ideal diet, but by helping patients choose one and stick to it. diet