Monday 15 February 2010

Follow the Bear

It was the 24th anniversary of Bear and I meeting yesterday. It wasn't a typical boy meets girl situation either. I lived alone, and liked it that way. She, 19 years old, and almost 10 years my junior, spotted this bloke she wanted, and within a week moved in. The next month saw her frequently sat outside my front door on a suitcase.

When one day I opened my front door and found a determined and scowling young lady, arms crossed, 8 hours after I'd dumped her and luggage on my door step, I thought "Hmmm, interesting....."

Friends and relatives regularly buy her Paddington Bear Teddies (It's an in joke - the clue is on the label). Indeed, while they call her Pads, I prefer to call her The Bear. Because she's a grizzly.

24 years, and 3 children later, we're still going strong. I wouldn't have her any other way :)

1 comment:

Jo said...

aww, well done on 24 years, we met in 1991 and have been married 14yrs this year.
Josie x