Sunday 4 March 2012


There is a teeny little value added jokette in the post below.

Y'see, under the present disability allowance system, there are two levels of the mobility component. As I can't go out unaccompanied - for that read, for someone to be available to accompany me, you'd think I would receive the higher rate. With that, I could get free bus travel, or even exchange it for a car as well, insurance paid (Motorbility Scheme) and a blue badge, even if someone else drove. Heck, even reduced rail travel.

At the very least, I could pay for the travel expenses of a companion. To put that in context. Most people think nothing of nipping out to the newsagents for a paper. I can't.

The Department of Works and Pensions decided that, because I can't get out unaccompanied, it would be no use giving me the higher rate, as it wouldn't be beneficial to me. So, if I was more severely disabled, it would be? Apparently, yes.

Totally Bonkers.

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