Friday 13 July 2012


My apologies for not posting for a while. I decided to prioritise as Bear and Tots needed my attention.

I've made some changes to my lifestyle. Most importantly, my strokes left me with an inability to walk far. I also suffer from unusual patience and tenacity. Which is good, if you don't take it too far. I decided being stuck in while my family did their thing was not a good thing. 

Oddly enough, it's been the constant rain over the last few weeks that's been the trigger. I love walking in the rain or snow. Always have, and I suppose I always will. I felt closed in. Leaving the front door open in the rain wasn't enough. Unfortunately, I have to be accompanied. Just an arm to lean on, and for some other reason that seems somewhat woolly.  But that means someone being available.

So I decided to try and get out once a day. For Bear, this has proved difficult.  She's bright, sociable, and likes to be out and about visiting our out-of-home kids, friends, shopping, parties, whatever. For me to get out of the house, she needs to be here, and that means me spending money too.

As you can perhaps imagine, it broke a routine of years. It's been tough. Today I walked to the local Asda. For those of you who know me, feel free to check the route. It took us 1 hr 7 mins in total. Not going to do that again in a hurry. The pain and effort required is just too much. But I'm very pleased with myself :) xx

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