Thursday 19 July 2012

Never let me go.

This, should worry you. (linky)

But not too much if, such as Bear and I, you've signed the Official Secrets act - in my case a number of times. It's the price you pay for employment even vaguely involved with public service, even a private contractor or out sourcing. No Sign. No job. End of.

Don't ever kid yourself that if you are in a private company you are exempt. Government contacts are lucrative and sought after. If you are iffy about it? Good luck. I once turned down a job drystone walling in Derbyshire because of the crap I had to sign. Forestry?  Nope. Smallholding, Laying paths, hedging, milking, mountain rescue? Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope. Ah, and Remploy too - for two days some years ago.

The Official Secrets Act never lets you go.

Just sayin'. 

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